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The 10 Biggest Mistakes of a Team Leader

Mistakes of a Team LeaderThe simple truth is that with good effective team leaders they can drive their teams to achieve all the critical aspects of their business goals and objectives. The quality of team leadership usually determines the success of the organization.

Teams become more effective when they have a common goal and the ability to resolve conflicts that might otherwise cause dysfunction among its members. Leaders keep a team going by choosing the right players, delegating well, getting team members motivated about their goals and making sure that team members feel listened to and appreciated. Effective team leadership enables the successful growth of the organization.

In order to make the most of your opportunities in the workplace, it’s important to develop your team leader skills. Whilst talent and a good work ethic will take you to a certain level, learning how to lead will get you to the top of the tree.

Can I demonstrate that I know how to lead my team?

Those who can lead know how to make important decisions that affect both themselves and others across the business environment. Team leaders also know how to manage their own and other people’s time effectively. Being able to do so is critical when it comes to making the most of your time in the work place and not becoming overwhelmed.

So, what do I need to do to become an effective team leader?

GLOMACS “The Effective Team Leader Seminar and Workshops” provides you with a complete course of development to fulfill your highest potential, but this is not the time nor the place for that. Let us simply give you a taste of things to come.

  • Firstly, effective team leaders should be able to identify ability within their team, so they know the right person for each task at hand. By matching the right person with the right job, a team leader strengthens the organization because the match means both that the person likely will be more engaged in his role and that the task will be done well. Team leaders should also hold a vision of well-being for the entire team, not just personal ambition, which is what keeps the team members working as a unit rather than as fragmented parts.
  • To facilitate this, a successful team leader should know how to delegate tasks and empower responsibility among team members which leads to more effective and innovative outcomes. With one person focused on reaching overall objectives, the team members may then focus on their specific tasks. Thus, by giving other team members direction, the team leader provides a driving force for successful momentum.
  • What gets measured – gets done, so the story goes. Team leaders should have the ability to measure performance against clear and specific criteria. It is this measure that will ensure that the job meets company standards. Any shortfall should heralds the opportunity for training through coaching and mentoring to develop higher skills among team members.
  • For those team members who are new or need additional development, it is essential that the team leader builds confidence and well-being through trust and professional relationships. Well-being and engagement are crucial to high employee morale. The team leader should raise performance and build personality, develop good human relationships, facilitates interactions, maintain voluntary cooperation and discipline among team members. This creates and sustains self-confidence and enthusiasm among the team. Active listening and guidance will enable the team members to recognize their qualities and maximise their capacity. The team leader should therefore act both as a coach and counsellor, setting examples for others.
  • Tasks in modern organizations have become more complex and can sometimes be tedious and repetitive in nature. Effective Team leaders need to motivate employees to create a desire for accomplishment that transforms potential into performance. A good team leader improves the loyalty and commitment of employees towards the organization and thus motivate individuals to work harder.
  • Without a team leader, team members do not have an outlet to share their concerns and, therefore, might feel frustrated and confused about how to incorporate change. Part of a team leader’s job is to listen to ideas and frustrations and implement change as appropriate. Team leadership also involves acting as a mediator of conflicts so that the team may continue to function effectively, rather than getting grounded in problems and conflict.
  • Good team leaders need the ability to resolve conflict amongst different groups of people and they understand the importance of influencing skills. Influential team leaders help inspire the commitment of team members to meet company goals and objectives. Influential leaders also help manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision making and communication.
  • Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation. Team leaders who invest time and energy into delivering clear lines of communication will rapidly build trust amongst employees, leading to increases in productivity, output and morale in general. On the other hand poor communication in the workplace will inevitably lead to unmotivated staff that may begin to question their own confidence in their abilities and inevitably in the organisation. Let’s take a quick guide to build our communication skills.
    • Define goals and expectations – Team leaders need to deliver clear, achievable goals to both teams and individuals, outlining exactly what is required on any given project, and ensuring that all staff are aware of the objectives of the project, the department and the organisation as a whole.
    • Clearly deliver your message – Ensure your message is clear and accessible to your intended audience. To do this it is essential that you speak plainly and politely – getting your message across clearly without causing confusion or offence.
    • Choose your medium carefully – Once you’ve created your message you need to ensure it’s delivered in the best possible format. While face to face communication is by far the best way to build trust with employees, it is not always an option. Take time to decide whether information delivered in a printed copy would work better than an email or if a general memo will suffice.
    • Keep everyone involved – Ensure that lines of communication are kept open at all times. Actively seek and encourage progress reports and project updates. This is particularly important when dealing with remote staff.
    • Listen and show empathy – Communication is a two way process and no company or individual will survive long if it doesn’t listen and encourage dialogue with the other party. Listening shows respect and allows you to learn of any outstanding issues you may need to address as an employer.

This brings me nearly to the end of our topic on Effective Team Leader, Seminar and Workshops. However, before we go let us have a quick look at things NOT to do – The 10 biggest mistakes of a Team Leader

  1. Strive for popularity
  2. Fail to delegate
  3. No clearly defined objectives
  4. Instructions are not clear
  5. Fail to motivate
  6. Fail to replace ourselves
  7. Fail to assess own performance
  8. Fail to lead
  9. Fail to inform
  10. Fail to make subjective assessments

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