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Press Releases

No Matter How Old You Are…. It’s Never Too Late

Emotional Intelligence is essential for workplace accomplishments. Emotionally intelligent employees can help build effective relationships for enhancing work productivity. Understanding and raising your Emotional Intelligence is critical to your success in workplace.

Relationships are so important to our accomplishments in business—and not just our relationships with clients. Our internal relationships, the ones we have with our colleagues and team members, are equally important. It can make or break us! The quality of our internal relationships determines the efficiency of our organizational beliefs.

World Class Master Trainer, Author & Inventor of LEONARD Personality Inventory (LPI) profiling tool and president of Leonard Personality Incorporated will be presenting a 5-Day RESULTS-DRIVEN GLOMACS Workshop at The Address Dubai Marina from 09-13 July 2017.

It’s never too late to learn anything, so no matter how old you are, you can still take up an Emotional Intelligence training and make the rest of your life better and happier.

GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
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