Classroom Sessions:
Date | Venue | Fees | |
13 - 17 Oct 2025 | Houston - USA | $6,950 |
Online Sessions:
13 - 17 Oct 2025 | Online | $3,950 |
Oil wells generally, produce a mixture of hydrocarbon oil, water, gas, and even sand or solid materiel with dissolved minerals usually including a large amount of salt & other gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S); and solids, including sand from the reservoir, dirt, scale, and corrosion products from the tubing.
Foreign material, such as water and sand must be separated from the oil and gas before they can be sold. This process is known as Crude Oil Treating.
The purpose of Crude Oil treatment is to separate, remove, or transform these various components to make the liquid hydrocarbons (Crude Oil) ready for sales & send to refiners.
This GLOMACS training course will provides an overview of all the theories and technologies involved in crude oil treatment, starting with brief about Petroleum Crude Formation, Production, phase separation process, emulsion theory formation, crude oil desalting, stabilization and the mechanism through the technology to destabilize and separate water from oil in addition to crude oil storage and loading facilities.
Due to environmental regulations, the produced water must also be treated. The course will provide a brief of the processes & operational conditions needed to achieve the required specifications for the produced water.
Upon successful completion of this GLOMACS training course, participants will gain knowledge & full understanding of crude oil treatment from A to Z (formation till loading to refiners) with extensive focus in Oil Treatment Operation.
This GLOMACS training course will feature:
- Crude Oil Formation, accumulation & Production
- Crude Oil Composition & Characteristics
- Phase Separation Process (Two & Three-Phase Separation)
- Emulsion Formation & Treatment
- Crude Oil Dehydration
- Crude Oil Desalting
- Crude Oil Stabilization & Sweetening
- Crude Oil Storage, Loading & Other Field Facilities
- Produced Water Treatment & Disposal
By the end of this GLOMACS training course, participants will have learned and experienced practical applications of:
- Recognize the theory of crude oil formation, accumulation & production
- Understand the Crude Oil compositions & Characteristics
- Practical understanding of field treating facilities fundamental
- The properties and behavior of crude oil that govern production processing operations
- Learn techniques of Field processes for treating and conditioning full well stream production for sales or final disposition including separation, dehydration, desalting stabilization, storage & Loading
- Gaining good understanding of the purpose and internal workings of all types of surface facilities and treating equipment
Training Methodology
- This training course includes interactive sessions with questions, discussions and problem solving under supervision along with group exercises
- It will be conducted as an interactive workshop that encourages participants to share their own experiences and apply the program material to real-life situations
- This training course will be reinforced by a learning mix that includes, lecture style presentation, training videos, open discussion, case studies, simulations and group work
Organisational Impact
It’s well known that competency of the organization employees determines it’s growth.
- Excellent opportunity to expand the knowledge base of the trained employees which positively will impact on their work
- Employees gain more skills; they tend to immediately apply them to their role
- If employees feel that they growing and learning in their job, they are more likely to stay at their company (more stability)
- It makes a business / or organization attractive to prospective employees
Personal Impact
- The employee will be competent to handle surface facilities equipments operational tasks
- Competent employees will safe time & effort by taking better actions in the right time to solve his operation problems
- The employees will better understand their job which resulted in more satisfaction
- If employees have some weaknesses in some work skills it should be improved
- Training should guarantee better performance for employees
This GLOMACS training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Field Service / Production Operators, Senior Operators & Supervisors
- Operation Foremen and Team leaders
- Plant Engineers, Field Engineers & New Engineers
- Maintenance Planners and Coordinators
- All Field Maintenance Personnel (Multi crafts) those interested to understanding what they maintain
Petroleum Crude from Formation to Production
- Formation and Accumulation of Petroleum Crude
- Types of Petroleum Reservoir
- Drilling the Oil Well
- Producing the Oil Well
- Composition and Characteristics of Petroleum Crude
- Field Service Equipments
Phase Separation Process
- Two-Phase Gas–Oil Separation
- Methods of Separation
- Gas–Oil Separation Equipment
- Three-Phase Oil–Water–Gas Separation
- Horizontal Three-Phase Separators
- Vertical Three-Phase Separators
- Separation Theory
Emulsion Treatment and Dehydration
- Oil Emulsions
- Dehydration / Treating Processes
- Heating
- Chemical Treatment
- Electrical Aid
- Chemi-electric Dehydrators (Emulsion Theaters)
Desalting of Crude Oil
- Description of The Desalting Process
- Relationship among Volume of Remnant Water, Its Salinity and Salt Content
- Electrostatic Desalting
- Determining Dilution Water Requirement
- Effect of Operating Parameters
- Desalter System Trouble Shooting
Crude Oil Stabilization, Sweetening & Storage
- Stabilization Operations
- Types of Stabilizer Employing Energy as a Stripping Agent
- Crude Oil Sweetening
- Overview a bout Crude Storage Tanks
- Vapor Recovery Units
- Piping and The Oil Fields
- Produced / Drained Water Treatment & disposal
- On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
- Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
Endorsed Education Provider
GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
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Our collaboration with Petroknowledge aims to provide the best training services and benefits for our valued clients

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