Classroom Sessions:
Date | Venue | Fees | |
26 - 30 May 2025 | Dubai - UAE | $5,950 | |
08 - 12 Sep 2025 | Dubai - UAE | $5,950 | |
15 - 19 Sep 2025 | Accra - Ghana | $5,950 | |
17 - 21 Nov 2025 | London - UK | $5,950 |
Online Sessions:
08 - 12 Sep 2025 | Online | $3,950 |
The Oil Tanker & Offshore Units Vetting, Sire Audit & Inspection Training course focuses on developing the process of vetting and tanker inspections.
This technical training course helps the ships owners and operators to stand on their tanker’s compatibilities with the IMO conventions and codes, this will facilitate the certification process and the compliance with SIRE, ISM, ISGOTT, OCIMF & IMO requirements. The tanker charterers shall ask for the tanker vetting and inspection reports to compare similar vessels and choose the best according to their needs to maximize efficiency. The Oil & Gas Cargo Traders would search for the most fit and applicable tanker ships to load their cargoes with various types of products and transport these products from one port to another.
This training course syllabus is focusing on the vetting / inspection of the condition of the Tanker Hull, Engine, Machinery & Cargo compartments sizes, & equipment special arrangements and features are a very vital parameters that would be the main subject on defining the freight rate.
The Oil Tanker & Offshore Units Vetting, Sire Audit & Inspection training course will emphasize insurance value of the tanker that to be defined based on the tanker age and condition that clearly declared with the vetting / inspection report.
The GLOMACS training course focuses on:
- Background and business drivers for vetting
- Vessel systems overview
- Vessel screening process
- SIRE 2.0 Inspection Process
- Arrangement and preparation for onboard inspection
- Observations and findings, Root Cause Analysis
- Operator's comments
- TMSA 3rd Edition 13 Elements & Human Factor
This training course is aimed at developing an appreciation of the key practical issues for anyone involved with vetting and tanker inspections process.
The main objective of this training course is to guide marine professionals to be able to:
- Overview of SOLAS, ISM, MARPOL, STCW, MLC, ISPS and ISGOTT Conventions, Guidelines & Codes requirements
- Gain an up to date knowledge about the vetting of tankers process
- Understand the international standards and practices that related to tanker fitness and operations to ensure her suitability for safe and secure transporting goods from a port to other
- Practice The skills to select the best tanker that complies with the international and organization requirements
- Practice Sufficient experience to conduct internal and external audits to maintain the best quality standards at all times
- Manage spot chartering and vetting process
- Understand vetting and risk management
- Learn the operating principles of SIRE inspections, & how to deal with SIRE inspectors and reports
- Identify the Knowledge of the key issues of OCIMF requirements
- Learn how to perform an ISPS audit
- Recognize the Experience of maintaining the tanker hull & machinery in a proper manner to maximize the life of the vessel
- Discuss the information’s required to build the best practiced safety management system (SMS) that required to maintain the compliance with the ISM code
- Organize better risk and safety assessment and management, eliminating loss of life, property or cargo and pollution of the marine environment
Training Methodology
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions as well as case studies will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information, knowledge, and experience transfer. The training course will be intensive but practical and highly interactive. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. The attendants will also be encouraged to raise more of their questions and to share developing the right answers using their analysis and experience. The training course material through PowerPoint equipped with necessary animation, learning videos, and general discussions will be provided.
Organisational Impact
Organisations that will send their employees to this training course will have:
- The advantage of having onboard a highly qualified group of employees with superior training and advanced experience in Tanker Vetting Process
- Certain vessel compliance to classification & certification requirements
- Better understanding of vessel’s management & maintenance in line with international standards
- Internal audits application and reviews to enhance the standards of performance, quality and maintenance onboard vessels
- Better record-keeping and maintenance, which help decision making and provide reference in subsequent audits & Better risk and safety assessment and management
- Assurance to eliminate loss of life, property or cargo, and pollution of the marine environment
- Increased investments as a result of increased credibility
Personal Impact
Professionals attending this training course will have:
- Promising career growth and progression
- Experience and knowledge to undertake reviews and compliance audits to meet the organisation & international standards
- Enhanced skills set to undertake training and strategic roles,
- Increased credibility and employer branding and safeguarding human life, property and the marine environment
- Marine organisations top management
- Senior officials responsible for taking strategic decisions regarding processes, practices and functions within the marine organisation
- Offshore Vessel and FPSO Owners and Operators
- Navigation Companies Operation Superintendents
- Vessel Master, Chief Engineer & Navigation Officers
- Ship Chartering Managers
- Ship’s Vetting & Certification Responsible
- Marine Insurance Personnel
- Ship Brokers
- Marine Industry Potential investors
- Vessel Compliance Officers
- Oil Major inspectors and legal officers
International Conventions & Codes Regulating Tanker Vetting Process
Module 1: Introduction to the IMO International Conventions & Codes
Module 2: Types of Vetting / Inspections to be carried out on Tankers
- Port State Inspection
- Flag State Inspection
- Class Survey Vetting
- ISM Audit
- ISPS Audit
- MLC Audit
- P&I Club Inspection
- Oil Major Inspection
- Ship Operator / Superintendent Audit
Vetting / Inspection Process Preparation & Conduction Process
Module 3: Preparations Prior to the Inspection Process
- The VPQ/VIQ (Vessel Particular Questionnaire/Vessel Inspection Questionnaire)
- Classification documents
- Ship’s Certificates (Registry, Cargo ship safety construction, safety equipment, Safety radiotelegraphy, Load line, IOPP, financial responsibility, Vessel's safe manning and Drawing of the vessel's cargo tank arrangement
- Ship’s Crew Documentations (The officer's qualification matrix, Officer's licenses, Medical fitness certificates
- Ship’s Documents & Records (crude oil washing manual, Approved ballast manual, Oil/Cargo record book, Garbage log for compliance with MARPOL Annex V, cargo hose / pipe pressure testing, Settings for vessel's pressure/vacuum valves, Shipping document and cargo manifest, Inert gas manual & Safety manual)
Module 4: Vetting / Inspection Process (Aspects to be inspected)
- Ship’s General Condition
- Ship’s Certificates
- Engine Room & Machinery Compartments
- Cargo Tanks and its outfits
- Pumproom, Cargo Equipment & Piping
- FFA & LSA Equipment
- Pollution Prevention & Combating Equipment and Records
- Crew Qualifications, Trainings, Experience and Skills
- Cargo Loading / Discharging Documentation
- Emergency Plans & Drills
- ISPS Requirements Compatibilities and records
- Incident & Casualty records
TEMSA Elements & Vetting Questionnaire
Module 5: The 13 Elements of TMSA 3 (Tanker Management Self-Assessment)
- Leadership and Safety Management System (SMS)
- Shore-based human resource recruitment and management
- Vessel human resource recruitment
- Reliability and maintenance of vessel, including critical equipment
- Navigational Safety
- Cargo, ballast, tank cleaning, bunkering, mooring and anchoring operations
- Change management
- Incident Reporting with thorough investigation & analysis
- Safety management
- Environmental and energy management
- Preparedness for emergencies and contingency planning
- Measurement, analysis and improvement
- Maritime security (this is the latest addition to these elements)
Module 6: Various Questionnaires Used in the SIRE Program
- Vessel inspection questionnaire (VIQ)
- Barges inspection questionnaire (BIQ)
- Uniform SIRE inspection report
- Vessel particulars questionnaire (VPQ)
- Barges particulars questionnaire (BPQ)
Vetting Advantages & Challenges
Module 7: Advantages of Vetting
- Confirm the Ship is Safe
- Compatibilities with International & Flag State requirements
- Safe & Clean Seas & Environment
- Ship Suitability and compliance check
- Systematic management of safety and quality risks
- Value of the Tanker is maintained
- Market options increasing
- Involvement of Owner, Operators, Ship’s Staff, Classification society in tanker fitness maintaining
- Professional marine risk management
- Action Plan for corrective actions
- An overview to responsible superintendents on the real condition of the Tanker
Module 8: Challenges in Vetting
- Lack of data and records
- Unqualified or inexperienced inspectors
- External influence or pressure
- Lack of time and resources
- Incompetent crew
- Lack of awareness and cooperation
Vetting Best Practices
Module 9: Best Practices of Conducting Vetting / Inspection Process
- Preparations for the Vetting
- Roles & Responsibilities of all Ship’s staff & Company Superintended
- Closing of all Pre Vetting Audit
- Agreeing on the vetting objectives, plan & timetable
- Preparing the tanker ( Documents, Machinery & Staff)
- Opening Meeting with the Inspector
- Conducting the Inspection and how to answer the questions
- Recording of the Audit / Inspection Findings (NCR)
- Closing meeting and negotiating the findings
- Preparing the action plan to close the NCR with the proposed duration & budget
- Vetting Report & Action Plan Communication
Module 10: Inspection/Checks Undertaken On-Board
- Safety familiarisation
- Drills
- Updated SOLAS and fire-fighting appliance (FFA) manuals
- Duly updated life-saving appliance (LSA) and FFA files and operating instructions
- Availability of immersion suits
- Well-kept polytechnics
- Clearly marked isolation valves
- Well-placed IMO symbols
- Clearly displayed expiry dates
- On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
- Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
Endorsed Education Provider
GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
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