Most Trusted Certified Training Course Provider in Dubai
Training is a commitment, you are investing time and money not just to learn skills and knowledge, but to benefit you and your company. We honor that commitment, ensuring that every one of our courses meets the highest standards, so you leave having learned from the best, and with the tools, you need to succeed and share that success.
Why GLOMACS is a leading provider of accredited training courses in Dubai
With nearly 20 years’ experience in providing training, we have delivered courses in every corner of the globe. Our experience doesn’t just mean that we have developed excellent courses, but that we fully understand the needs of our clients, too. Together, it helps us ensure our content covers exactly what you need, and delivers it in effective sessions.
As part of our high standards, we are accredited with ISO 9001:2015, reflecting our commitment to quality, ensuring that our courses meet customer and regulatory requirements. And we are an ISO 29993:2017 Certified Training and Consultancy Company too, so you can be confident GLOMACS’ certified and accredited training courses in Dubai follow the best and latest practices when it comes to training you or your team.
What a GLOMACS training course offers
When you book a GLOMACS course, you will be booking more than just a five- or ten-day course. You’ll be unlocking your future.
Our accredited training courses cover almost any topic conceivable, from constructing buildings to building leaders, from emotional intelligence to behavioral economics. We can help you meet your training and development needs. And we have accreditations from a range of outside bodies to attest to the quality of our courses.
We are a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified provider, so our courses all meet the standard required for professional development. And our different courses will have accreditation from discipline-specific bodies like the Institute for Leadership and Management and the Project Management Institute, among many others.
And all our courses are delivered by exceptional trainers. Great course content demands great course leaders, so we use people who are not only experts, but professionals with practical experience of the subject they are teaching. Our certified and accredited training courses in Dubai, and across the world, are all delivered by people who are as passionate about the subject as you are. On a GLOMACS course, the content comes alive, giving you a better experience, so you take away more from your course.
What next?
If you already know what you want, then just browse our course list. We always have hundreds of courses scheduled, so whatever the topic, you can put something in the calendar today. Our course listings feature full details of what you will get from the course, the program’s content, and all the relevant accreditations, and you can book straight away or, if you have a question, submit an enquiry.
And if you are looking for in-house training, we provide that too. Just get in touch and one of our team will contact you to discuss details.
Whatever your next step in professional development is, we are here to help you take it.

GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
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