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Are You Caught in a Conflict at Work?

Survey reveals that managers spend between 18–26% of their time dealing with conflicts. That’s 10 hours of your valuable time per week!

Organisational conflict is emerging as a key workplace issue. There is a lack of willpower and/or expertise to deal with conflict and have many theories as to why it occurs and what to do when it happens. From being an annoying distraction, conflict in a team can quickly spread, to damage relationships, lower productivity and morale and in extreme cases lead absenteeism, disruption, lawsuit and even strikes.

The management of conflicts and difficulties is one of the most misunderstood, time-consuming and poorly handled of leadership responsibilities. Most leaders, managers and supervisors regard ‘conflict’ as something negative. However, if it is used and managed well and occurs in high-trust cultures, conflict can be a powerful source of sustainable competitive advantage.

Organisational & Personal Development Expert Mr. Richard G. Lewis is scheduled to deliver a 5-day training on “Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations” in Vienna.

According to Mr. Lewis, this is an essential training for Leaders, managers and team leaders/supervisors who need to take charge of – and resolve – conflicts or difficult situations that could have a negative impact on performance, effectiveness and relationships. It would also benefit junior/middle managers new to their role, or with experience but little previous training.

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