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The Changing Face of Training

There have big three cyclic changes in the world of work since the industrial revolution:

  • The Capitalist and the `industrialist 1760 – 1980.
  • The Knowledge worker and the Knowledge Manager 1980 – 1990.
  • Generation Y the great inventors  & Generation Z the great users1990 –

Generation Y also know as the millennial; is typified by this group all born in the 70’s or very early 80’s Example are:

Surgay Bryn and Larry Page – Google

Mark Zuckerburg – Face Book

Sam Altman – known as one of the Gods of Silicon Valley President of Y Combinator

Elon Musk – Tesla and now Space X

Travis Kalanick co founder of UBER

Jack Dorsey co founder of twitter

Generation Z is if you like the new kid on the block, born after 2005; they are also referred to as  i GEN, or post millennial but pay attention – they will account for over 24% of the workforce by 2020.This will be much higher in the GCC countries as the age demographic is significantly different. THEY WILL ACCOUNT FOR 24% of the world working population by 2020 – that’s in two years time.

Generation Z also known as:

  • Reward focused due mainly to bad parenting
  • Over inflated value of themselves, often holders of worthless qualifications
  • Very uncomfortable with failure
  • Difficult to manage as they feel “entitled”
  • Short attention spans
  • Lower self esteem

However 71% believe if a jobs worth doing do it yourself.

69% prefer their own working space and feel comfortable working on their own.

They are completely comfortable with technology and the digital age and are confident about the future.

They are the first generation who can comfortably multi task.

75% believe there is a better way of getting an education rather than the traditional route. This will also certainly apply to adult learning as well.This includes in company traing and external courses Post Graduate. 

Training requirements for Generation Z 

A smart generation with low self-esteem, yet reward centred. This group will be difficult to train and this group won’t tolerate  “old fashioned” conventional training methods.

Their training will have to have more variety, allow multi tasking, variable structure with case studies involving web media and search engines. The will be texting during tutorials, chatting and be dysfunctional, that’s the nature of Generation Z.

Training providers have a great opportunity to capture a new and significant market, those doing Training Needs analysis will have to up their game – the old adage one shoe fits all just will not apply to this group. There will also need to be a review of how we reward those on adult learning, we have a generation the will see self gratification for their work – how will this be done, by the employer of training providers?

Bean Bags in the Training room?

Bean bags in the training room, and why not, the old structure horse shoe type layout is long passed its usefulness, there needs to be function of course but to better suit the purpose –how can we help this group learn in a way that’s best for them. In deciding who attends there is a slim similarity between generation Y and Z, but a big cultural gap between Generation Z and X. That’s not to say Gen.X are not the right trainers; here we are talking about the participants and the unique style needed to train them well.

How stable are Generation Z

For a 20-something in the workforce, job-hopping is a norm — one LinkedIn survey indicates millennial do more job-hopping than any other generation. A desire to job hop also emerged as a differentiator. The Adecco poll showed 27 per cent believed they should stay in their first job for only a year or less, while 83 per cent believed those three years or less was the appropriate amount of time to spend at their first employer.

This is of course very expensive for the employer and what will become a nightmare for recruiters. This is all happening sooner than you realise, organisations will have to examine very carefully employment strategies and have a strategy for generation Z, remember this group will occupy 24% of the world work population in just 2 years time.


Artificial Intelligence will by 2020 start an irreversibe trend that will reduce the need for the current size of workforce. At the same time 2020 24% of the available work force will be generation Z.

The current work force is aging and living longer that ever before, for financial reasons governments do not want them to retire.

We live in very interesting times, the people who will be successful are people who learn and can learn fast. There has never been a better time to invest in your own self development  – make sure you have the new skill sets needed for the future.

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