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The World of HR and IT – Change is here!

The world of HR and employment is about to change beyond recognition. Massive advances this year in the area of Artificial Intelligence and in particular the area known as deep learning have set the world on a course for massive employment change.

The challenges this will give organisations in the next two years will be amazing but it’s a time not to sit back and worry, it’s a time to take advantage of the situation for personal advancement and for maximising organisation efficiency.

At the vanguard of the change will be an unusual partnership between IT and workforce planners. The world of work will require less people, considerably less people and this will become an irreversible trend, which has already started.

Big opportunities exist for those companies who act quick, agile organisations in the private sector are set to make massive savings, while the Public sector will not be able to shoulder the financial cost of lagging behind. NASA in America has just adopted Artificial Intelligence systems in its HR function and reports that more that 70 of HR work can be done by artificial intelligence systems. This was reported in the Harvard Business news in March 2018. The new technologies give us for the first time the opportunity of accurate forecasting, predictive planning, rightsizing the organisation and providing 24/7 services.

Artificial Intelligence also gives us the opportunity to process masses of pieces of dissimilar data and make sense of what that data shows. In recent months, we have found Google processing spy data for the Military and Facebook aiding in the use of their data for producing Psychographic profiling of their users. These advances will see the end of Personality questionnaires, as we know them and the need to test people for employment will cease. All of this data has already been collected and can be used – today.

This year interesting facts are becoming available. For example we now know the following:

  • How many hours a week people actually work? We know this in three categories – Poor Performers, Average Performers and Talented Performers
  • What day of the week people are most productive?
  • The time of day when people work at their best
  • Which group of employees are likely to have the most unauthorised leave?
  • We can now work out how many employees an organisation needs to be most productive

There has never been a more opportune time than now to invest heavily in the type of training that will prepare you for the inevitable change. Those who will succeed will be those that learn and learn fast. In response GLOMACS has invested in a range of courses designed for the future. Innovations in workforce planning being one such program. This will be running in Dubai in 29th July – 2nd August at the Fairmont Hotel. It’s a golden opportunity to both get up to date and master some of the new skills and competencies needed for your future challenges in the world of work.

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