Classroom Sessions:
Date | Venue | Fees | |
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2025 | Barcelona - Spain | $11,900 | |
13 - 24 Oct 2025 | London - UK | $11,900 | |
22 Dec 2025 - 02 Jan 2026 | Barcelona - Spain | $11,900 |
The concept of Agile came to prominence in the late 1990s as a result of perceived difficulties with existing solutions that were rigid and plan driven practices. Traditional methods of business strategies were seen as inefficient to enhance business performance due to the rise of new technology and the increasing volatility of the business environment. The Agile business strategy aims to seek balance planning and control with execution and feedback. Agile Business Strategy & Value Creation training course focus on the importance of open communications amongst stakeholders and a culture of openness and learning. It encourages toward individual interactions, collaboration and effective responsiveness to change.
By attending this Agile Business Strategy & Value Creation training course, delegates will learn the importance of Agile business strategy in improving decision making process within the organisation, minimizing the level of uncertainty and create value for the organisations. Delegates will be able to assess and make a good judgement of value creating strategies within the organisations. The training course will cover a range of theory and principals and provide practice examples to illustrate the importance of Agile business strategy in creating value for the organisations.
This GLOMACS Agile Business Strategy & Value Creation training course will highlight:
- The significance of Agile Business Strategy in strengthening decision-making process from the financial perspective
- How to assess the business performance and how to improve the business using Agile Strategy?
- The role of Agile Strategy in planning and control and financial analysis
- How Agile Strategy assists organisations in making sound investment decisions using traditional time-adjusted measures and risk analysis?
- The ability to come about an Agile Strategy to build-up performance indicators and dealing with unexpected variance.
This training course is split into two modules:
MODULE I - Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth
MODULE II - Value Creation
Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.
Participants attending this Agile Business Strategy & Value Creation training course will be able to:
- To implement Agile Strategy to improve business performance, its success and promote value creation
- Understanding the important factors to consider when implementing Agile Strategy in decision making process
- Understand how Agile business approach minimizes uncertainty within the organisations
- Comprehend the impact of higher level of uncertainty to the Value Creation Strategy
- Evaluate the value creation strategy using Agile Business Strategy approach
- Understand the importance of Agile Strategy in valuation creation
Training Methodology
The training course will be delivered through a combination of presentations, group discussions, and exercises. The comprehensive course training manual has been developed to be practical, easy to use and facilitate learning. Multimedia presentations will feature video case studies as well as the opportunity to hear experts from a variety of disciplines.
Organisational Impact
The organisation will have the following benefits:
- The importance of implementing Agile business strategy and its impact on value creation
- How Agile Strategy assist managers in making better financial decisions?
- The importance of Agile strategy to the long and short-term planning and enhancing growth strategies
- Understanding how Agile Strategy could be implemented in improving budgeting and variance analysis for the organisation
- The application of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and other appropriate techniques through the lens of Agile business strategy.
- How corporate value and shareholder value may be increased through the use of Agile strategy within the organisations?
Personal Impact
Delegates will develop an understanding of:
- Choosing Agile strategy relevant for the organisation.
- How to analyse and interpret the financial statements and propose Agile strategy in enhancing potential performance?
- Developing Agile Strategy and incorporate within the financial aspects to enhance the performance.
- Broadening their role in the company and appreciate the importance of using Agile Strategy to improve operational performance.
- Liaising effectively with other professionals on financial issues and implementing Agile Strategy
- Creating of corporate value and shareholder value when implementing effective Agile Business Strategy
This GLOMACS Agile Business Strategy & Value Creation training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Financial Officers, Controllers, and Accountants
- Treasurers, Corporate Planning, and Business Development Professionals
- Sales and Marketing Professionals
- Managers from any other non-financial areas willing to understand the financial aspects of analysis, planning, and control
- Middle and Junior Management as a useful element in their career advancement.
Module 1: Agile Business Strategy and Organisational Development for Sustainable Growth
Organisation Business Strategy for an Agile World
- Key strategy and models and concepts
- Defining agile strategy: Its roots in Kaizen
- The importance of tactical and operational planning
- Managing direct and rapid change
- Creating the ‘hazy’ vision in uncertain times
- Developing an agile strategy
Agile Organisational Development (OD) Strategy
- Defining Organisational Development (OD)
- The importance of OD in organisational success
- Workforce planning: Ensuring capability
- Talent and succession planning: The lifeblood for success
- Creating the agile organisation
- OD strategy case study: Lessons learnt
Building the Organisation Team Structure
- Understanding agile team dynamics
- Factors in creating agile teams
- Team roles: Profile assessment
- Operating with a virtual/remote team
- Team performance measures: Self-motivating teams
- Developing a team culture
Tactical Operations: Quick, Rapid Decision-Making
- Responsive tactical reviews and SCRUM methods
- Conditions needed for daily briefings
- Conducting agile meetings
- Rapid decision-making tools and techniques
- Asking the right questions for multiple operational goals
- Ensuring actions are implemented
Communicating the Agile Plan
- Lessons learnt from history: Agile implementation
- Principles of business communication
- Developing a communication plan
- Engaging key stakeholders and delivering your message
- Embedding agile into the organisation
- Summary work and next steps
Module 2: Value Creation
The Financial Economic Decision-Making
- The practice of financial/economic analysis
- The value-creating company
- Corporate value and shareholder value
- A dynamic perspective of business
- The agency problem and corporate governance
- Implications of agency problems for organisations
Assessment of Business Performance
- The nature of financial statements
- The context of financial analysis and decision-making
- Ratio analysis and business performance
- Management’s point of view
- Owners’ point of view
- Lenders’ point of view
- Ratios as a system – pyramids of ratios
- Integration of financial performance analysis
- Economic value added (EVA)
- Predicting financial distress
Analysis of Investment Decisions
- Applying time-adjusted measures
- Net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR)
- Strategic perspective
- Refinements of investment analysis
- Equivalent annual cost (EAC)
- Modified internal rate of return (MIRR)
- Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, simulation, and NPV break-even
Projection of Financial Requirements
- Interrelationship of financial projections
- Operating budgets
- Standard costing and variance analysis
- Cash forecasts and cash budgets
- Sensitivity analysis
- Dynamics and growth of the business system
- Operating leverage
- Financial growth plans
- Financial modelling
DAY 10
New Integrated Performance Measurement Systems
- Beyond Budgeting: Integrating Financial and Pre-financial Information
- The Drivers of Value Creation
- The Balanced Scorecard
- Strategy Maps
- Integrated Reporting
- On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
- Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
Endorsed Education Provider
GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
In Association With

Oxford Management Centre
A GLOMACS - Oxford Management Centre collaboration aimed at providing the best training services and benefits to our valued clients.

The Energy Training Centre
Our collaboration with Energy Training Centre aims to provide the best training services and benefits for our valued clients

GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
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