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Course Description


本次 GLOMACS 数字时代领导力培训研讨会揭示了面向未来的领导者的基本技能。 在本次培训中,培训师将带领参与者参加一个为期 5 天的互动式讲习班,结合理论、案例研究和互动练习,重点是让他们适应企业和商业环境的现实。

通过此次 GLOMACS 培训研讨会,参与者将学习情商、创新和创造力、数字时代领导力四步法 (LIDA) 框架等技能,并探索如何在组织内外领导转型和变革。

本次 GLOMACS 培训研讨会将重点介绍:

  • 了解什么是工业 4.0 以及世界领先的公司正在采取哪些措施进行创新并为未来的工作做好准备
  • 接受情商评估,突出您在 4 个情商领域的优势和劣势
  • 学习如何提高批判性思维技能、信任、协作和影响力
  • 了解全球使用的 5 步设计思维框架,以提出以用户为中心的产品和服务
  • 发现如何在您的组织内实施和执行变革,并克服阻力


在本次 GLOMACS 培训研讨会结束时,您将学习:

  • 学习机器无法复制的基本技能——情商、创新、创造力
  • 应用数字时代领导力四步法 (LIDA) 框架,成为面向未来的领导者
  • 使用 5 步框架在您的组织内推动和实施创新
  • 探索如何在您的组织内领导数字化转型
  • 学习有关如何执行、推动和管理变革的技巧

Training Methodology

培训方法结合了最新的管理理论和管理的实际情况。 培训师将介绍一些研究、理论,或引发讨论话题。 这之后通常会进行小组练习(角色扮演、讨论、案例研究等)和简短的汇报,以了解如何将其与工作场所联系起来。

交付期间使用了各种材料,包括 PowerPoint、案例研究、视频、角色扮演、领导力发展和团队建设活动。

Organisational Impact

通过派遣参与者参加此 GLOMACS 培训计划,该组织将从以下方面受益匪浅:

  • 获得拥有未来最需要的一些技能的人,例如设计思维、情商和变革管理
  • 在日常工作中增强对战略思维、批判性思维和影响力等技能的信心,这将使他们能够提出新的以用户为中心的产品和服务
  • 减少组织面临的数字化和颠覆挑战
  • 在组织内建立创新和以用户为中心的思维文化
  • 增加组织内变革管理的知识和执行,从而节省数十万美元
  • 在这个竞争激烈的商业时代提高对领导力挑战的理解

Personal Impact

  • 参与者将学习设计思维、情商和变革管理等技能——当前商业环境中一些最相关和最需要的技能
  • 参与者将学习适用于任何角色的重要技能,例如战略思维、批判性思维和影响力
  • 参与者将学习 5 步创新框架,这样他们就可以带领团队为他们的比赛提出以用户为中心的产品和服务
  • 参与者将学习如何构思和集思广益,以及如何选择最佳创意来解决其组织和行业中的挑战
  • 参与者将学习 4 步 LIDA 框架,以应对颠覆和变革时期
  • 参与者将学习如何在组织内领导、执行和管理变革


此 GLOMACS 培训课程适合广泛的专业人士,但将极大地受益于:

  • 企业家和企业主
  • 中高层管理人员
  • 中高级管理人员
  • 董事
  • 高级管理人员
Course Outline



  • 什么是工业 4.0 以及领先的公司如何为未来的工作做准备
  • 全球化和数字化对行业的影响
  • 不断变化的领导格局
  • 探索可以推动变革的领导模式
  • 数字时代的领导力 (LIDA) 框架
  • 情商 (EQ) 简介
  • 高情商与强大领导力之间的正向联系



  • 战略思维在快速发展的经济中的重要性
  • 适用于各种场合的战略思维工具和框架
  • 如何增加信任和协作
  • 删除筒仓文化
  • 提高批判性思维能力的好处
  • 增加您在数字时代的影响力
  • 如何在 21 世纪以更强势的立场进行谈判

DAY 3 to DAY 5


  • 您所在行业的创新需求
  • 如何营造创新文化
  • 成为创新领导者意味着什么?
  • 设计思维框架简介
  • 使用同理心和民族志研究来了解客户的需求
  • 定义你的问题陈述
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
Providers and Associations

Endorsed Education Provider

  • Quality Logo
  • Quality Logo

GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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Frequently Asked Question:

How can I find out more information about a specific course?

For detailed information about specific courses, including course content, schedules, and instructors, you can visit our website or contact our customer service team. They will be happy to provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Can I get a discount for group bookings?

Yes, GLOMACS offers special discounts for group bookings. If you’re planning to enroll multiple participants from your organization, please reach out to our team to discuss the available discount packages.

How are GLOMACS courses structured?

Our courses are structured to provide a balanced mix of theory and practical application. They typically include presentations, case studies, group discussions, hands-on activities, and interactive Q&A sessions to maximize learning outcomes.

Will I receive a certificate upon completing a GLOMACS course?

Yes, upon successful completion of any of our training courses, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates. This certificate is a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and is recognized across various industries.

Does GLOMACS offer customized training for organizations?

Yes, GLOMACS provides customized training solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations. We work closely with companies to design bespoke training courses that address their unique challenges and objectives.

How can I register for a GLOMACS course?

You can register for a GLOMACS training course by visiting our website, selecting the course of your choice, and following the simple registration process. You can also contact our support team for assistance with the registration process.

Who are the trainers at GLOMACS?

Our trainers are industry experts with years of practical experience in their respective fields. They bring real-world knowledge and insights into the classroom, ensuring that our participants receive top-tier, applicable skills and expertise.

Are GLOMACS training courses available online or in person?

GLOMACS offers both online and in-person training options. You can choose from interactive virtual sessions or attend one of our globally located in-person training courses. The flexibility ensures that learning fits your schedule and preferences.

What types of training courses does GLOMACS offer?

GLOMACS offers a wide range of professional development training courses across various industries, including Leadership & Management, Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Operations and Logistics, Engineering and Technical and more. Our training courses are designed to enhance career growth and organizational effectiveness.

What are the key benefits of attending a GLOMACS course?

Attending a GLOMACS training course offers numerous benefits, including enhanced professional skills, increased employability, industry-recognized certification, networking opportunities with peers and experts, and the chance to apply practical knowledge directly to your workplace.

Why should I choose GLOMACS?

GLOMACS is a globally recognized leader in professional training and development, with a reputation for delivering high-quality, results-driven training courses. We offer a broad spectrum of training courses taught by expert trainers, flexible delivery options (both online and in-person), and accredited certifications that add real value to your career.

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