Classroom Sessions:
Online Sessions:
16 - 20 Jun 2025 | Online | $3,950 |
Many middle level managers have a wealth of experience at handling day to day management issues and are now ready for a far greater challenge: the challenge of becoming transformational leaders as well as managers. This GLOMACS training course on Middle Manager Programme is about making that vital transition and exploring and mastering the knowledge and skills that will confidently take you to that next level of competence – from professional to inspiring leader.
It will give you the skills to display transformational leadership behaviours; real insights into your own and other’s personalities, behaviours and attitudes; appreciate your organisation’s culture; understand the developmental stages of your team and the corresponding team leadership style required from you; how to proactively engage and motivate your staff and manage change as well as yourself effectively.
By the end of this training course on Middle Manager Programme, you will have learned how to make the transition from professional to leader by:
- Ensuring that you have all the core skills of highly effective leadership as well as management
- Understanding what drives individual behaviour and the culture of your organisation
- Exploring team dynamics, situational leadership and how to get your staff to play to their strengths
- Knowing how to implement strategic plans and motivate and reward excellence
- Having a framework for managing change and your career development
Training Methodology
This training course on Middle Manager Programme will use a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual exercises, mini-case studies, role plays and syndicate discussions. Graphical materials and stimulating explanations will be used to introduce underlying models. A key part of the learning process is sharing the different experiences you and your fellow participants bring, as well as experimenting with novel – and sometimes challenging – techniques. A number of questionnaires that measure your leadership, personality and team preferences will be used to increase your awareness and the unique contribution you make to the organisation.
Organisational Impact
The organisation will benefit from having middle managers who are:
- Motivated and confident to move up to the next level
- Part of a clear and strategic succession plan
- Able to avoid the common pitfalls at the more senior level through greater understanding of corporate culture and organisational politics
- Equipped to make a significant contribution to moving the organisation in desired direction and navigate teams through complex situations
- Thinking and acting like leaders who are able to handle our increasingly VUCA operating environments
Personal Impact
- Gain new insights into your leadership, personality and team preferences and learn how to display both cognitive and behavioural flexibility
- Be able to ‘read’ other’s behaviour and use that understanding in creating a motivating environment for your staff
- Understand your own and others’ preferred team roles and how to motivate your staff
- Be able to influence upwards in the organisation by displaying a high level of political skill
- Be able to plan and lead change and your own career path
This GLOMACS training course on Middle Manager Programme is designed for:
- Those who have some experience at supervisor / professional level and are ready to take on a wider role
- Those who want to make the transition from competent professional to inspirational leader
- Those who need a deeper understanding of what drives individual behaviour and group dynamics
- Those who need to hone their influencing skills to get results that matter
- Those about to embark on leading a change training course within their organisation
Moving from Management to Leadership
- The Difference between Management and Leadership
- Appreciating the Five Essential Leadership Approaches
- Displaying Transformational Leadership Behaviours
- 21st Century Leadership Requirements
- Leadership and Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Leadership and Organisational Political Skills
Understanding Yourself, Others & Organisational Cultures
- Determining Your Own and Other’s Personality Preferences
- Using Personality Insights to Powerfully Influence Others
- The Origin of Our Personal Attitudes and Resulting Behaviour
- Understanding the Nature and Types of Organisational Culture
- Signs of a Healthy Organisational Culture
- Maintaining a Supportive Organisational Culture
Developing and Leading Your Team
- Understanding Team Roles and Playing to Your Staffs’ Strengths
- Team Formation Stages and Team Dynamics
- Displaying the Relevant Team Leadership Style For Your Staff
- Motivation Techniques for Greater Commitment and Performance
- Knowledge Workers and the Psychological Contract
- Providing Effective Feedback and Criticism
Managing and Motivating Your Staff
- Delegating Effectively
- Setting Goals, SMART Objectives and Personal Outcomes
- Running Performance Appraisals that Really Work
- Coaching, Mentoring and On-the-Job Training
- Praising Effectively by Acknowledging and Celebrating Achievements
- Managing Upwards and Saying ‘No’ Skillfully
Managing Change and Yourself Successfully
- Understanding the Impact of Change On Your Staff
- The Traditional Management of Change in Organisations
- Managing Change More Effectively Using Insights From Neuro-science
- Proactively Managing Your Career
- Displaying Executive Presence, Gravitas and Confidence
- Developing and Implementing a Personal Action Plan
This training course is also available under the title 'The Middle Manager Development Programme'
- On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate with eligible Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) from National Registry of CPE Sponsor, will be awarded to the delegates
- This is an ILM Recognised Training Course. Optional ILM Recognised Certification carries an assessment component which contributes to measuring learning impact.
Endorsed Education Provider
GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
In Association With

Oxford Management Centre
A GLOMACS - Oxford Management Centre collaboration aimed at providing the best training services and benefits to our valued clients.

KC Academy
Our collaboration with KC Academy aims to provide the best training services and benefits for our valued clients

GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
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