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Course Description


这个掌握人员管理和团队领导力培训课程使经验丰富的经理能够“掌握”人员管理,并相信可以教授团队领导力,并对经理、团队和组织产生切实的影响。 一个重要的领域是领导和管理之间的区别是必须理解的。

但是,是什么让领导者真正可信呢? 为什么以及如何真正启发追随者? 部分答案是“影响”他人的能力——组织从积极的团队中获得的收益比个人群体更多。 领导才能做到这一点; 这是一项涉及理解许多核心管理概念然后能够将其付诸实践的技能。 该培训课程为经验丰富的管理人员提供领导力工具,使他们能够在任何情况下都能茁壮成长。

该 GLOMACS 培训课程将重点介绍:

  • 如何提高效率、增加个人影响力、更好地利用时间并适当授权
  • 欣赏清晰沟通的好处,通过建立融洽关系来影响,如何识别和管理冲突
  • 团队建设、人员管理以及如何激励的关键因素和步骤
  • 通过动态指导、指导和发展掌握人员管理和团队领导
  • 理解和定义你角色的关键方面和潜力




  • 了解您作为经理和领导者的角色
  • 为您的团队建立明确的目标和绩效标准
  • 使用有效的优先级排序和授权技术管理您的工作量
  • 通过熟练的沟通最大限度地发挥您的影响力
  • 建立有效的团队并超越预期

Training Methodology

本培训课程采用一系列学习方法,包括体验式小组活动、个人练习、小型案例研究、角色扮演和联合讨论。 正式输入用于介绍基础理论。 学习过程的一个关键部分是分享参与者带来的不同经验,以及尝试新颖的——有时是具有挑战性的——技术。

Organisational Impact


  • 提高自我意识、灵活性和信心。
  • 有动力处理运营任务
  • 能够更好地远离日常细节
  • 能够专注于长期的组织需求
  • 确保他们的团队真正有能力,或者能够确定为什么不

Personal Impact


  • 提高职业灵活性:具备这些技能的经理供不应求
  • 一系列不同的领导和管理实践方法
  • 选择最适合他们的情况和个人风格的领导和管理方法的能力
  • 通过在将关键技术应用到工作场所之前尝试关键技术的机会获得信心
  • 超越关于“正确”管理方式的传统假设的自信


此 GLOMACS 培训课程促进有关如何管理和领导的知识转移。 它将技术理论“书本智慧”与现实生活经验“街头智慧”相结合。 它适用于公司内的所有级别和职能。


  • 那些需要发展他们对领导力、管理和沟通的理解的人
  • 那些希望通过更有效地管理团队来获得业务收益和利益的人
  • 负责通过他人实现公司目标的领导者和经理
Course Outline



  • 领导或经理
  • 自我认知
  • 超越职位描述:了解您的组织对您的要求
  • 平衡相互冲突的利益相关者需求
  • 理解变化的本质
  • 实施变革的模式



  • 了解你自己和你的组织环境
  • 结果导向
  • 设定个人和团队目标
  • 管理绩效
  • 有效地寻找和利用时间
  • 有效授权的典范



  • 沟通渠道
  • 有效的听力技巧
  • 情绪和融洽关系
  • 说服与谈判:个人影响力的关键
  • 果断地处理冲突



  • 高绩效团队如何运作
  • 确定团队角色
  • 激励与奖励
  • 建立和分享愿景
  • 不同的领导方法



  • 人们如何学习
  • 个人和团队成长辅导
  • 反馈技巧
  • 发展规划
  • 下一步
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
Providers and Associations

Endorsed Education Provider

  • Quality Logo

GLOMACS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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Frequently Asked Question:

How can I find out more information about a specific course?

For detailed information about specific courses, including course content, schedules, and instructors, you can visit our website or contact our customer service team. They will be happy to provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Can I get a discount for group bookings?

Yes, GLOMACS offers special discounts for group bookings. If you’re planning to enroll multiple participants from your organization, please reach out to our team to discuss the available discount packages.

How are GLOMACS courses structured?

Our courses are structured to provide a balanced mix of theory and practical application. They typically include presentations, case studies, group discussions, hands-on activities, and interactive Q&A sessions to maximize learning outcomes.

Will I receive a certificate upon completing a GLOMACS course?

Yes, upon successful completion of any of our training courses, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates. This certificate is a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and is recognized across various industries.

Does GLOMACS offer customized training for organizations?

Yes, GLOMACS provides customized training solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations. We work closely with companies to design bespoke training courses that address their unique challenges and objectives.

How can I register for a GLOMACS course?

You can register for a GLOMACS training course by visiting our website, selecting the course of your choice, and following the simple registration process. You can also contact our support team for assistance with the registration process.

Who are the trainers at GLOMACS?

Our trainers are industry experts with years of practical experience in their respective fields. They bring real-world knowledge and insights into the classroom, ensuring that our participants receive top-tier, applicable skills and expertise.

Are GLOMACS training courses available online or in person?

GLOMACS offers both online and in-person training options. You can choose from interactive virtual sessions or attend one of our globally located in-person training courses. The flexibility ensures that learning fits your schedule and preferences.

What types of training courses does GLOMACS offer?

GLOMACS offers a wide range of professional development training courses across various industries, including Leadership & Management, Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Operations and Logistics, Engineering and Technical and more. Our training courses are designed to enhance career growth and organizational effectiveness.

What are the key benefits of attending a GLOMACS course?

Attending a GLOMACS training course offers numerous benefits, including enhanced professional skills, increased employability, industry-recognized certification, networking opportunities with peers and experts, and the chance to apply practical knowledge directly to your workplace.

Why should I choose GLOMACS?

GLOMACS is a globally recognized leader in professional training and development, with a reputation for delivering high-quality, results-driven training courses. We offer a broad spectrum of training courses taught by expert trainers, flexible delivery options (both online and in-person), and accredited certifications that add real value to your career.

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